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Our first real conversation with God: pray out loud
Father God I want to know you. I believe that Jesus is the son of God. I believe he left his throne in heaven and came to earth to straighten out the mess that man has made. I believe that his ultimate purpose was to suffer the penalty for the sins of all men. Your word says that the beating was for the penalty of my sins. I believe that he then was hung on a cross which was the capital punishment of that day. He died on the cross. He died for my sins. He went down into the earth to hell and was there for three days. On the third day, the Holy Spirit raised him back to life again with resurrection power which proves that he is the authentic God.
I regret my sins and want to be set free of the spiritual forces that have steered me wrong and led to nowhere. I'm asking you to forgive me for all the ways I have failed. I ask for this forgiveness as I make a decision of my will to forgive those who really hurt me. I pray that they get right with you God. Please wash me clean and give me a clean new heart that brings you joy in me. Jesus, please come into my heart right now. Please create in me a clean new heart that desires for you. I declare that I am a new person, born again by the Spirit of God, and now a child of God. I will never be the same. In Jesus name. Amen
If you prayed that prayer, we encourage you to find a bible teaching church. Please feel free to contact us and share with us your experience of becoming a new born again believer!
965 West Main Street • Branford, CT 06405 • 203.303.7329
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